Hey everybody. My name is Danny. This year is my senior year at UNC. I'm a Communications major with a Sociology minor. My journey to UNC was definitely a unique one. To make a long story short, I actually came here chasing romance. There was this girl who was a student here who I REALLY liked. And I mean like like like. Not just like like or like. We'll call her Kathy. But don't worry, I wasn't stalking her. She knew all along that I liked her. We had hung out a few times, and when I finally arrived here, she acted as sort of an unofficial tour guide. Of course I gladly followed. She connected me with UNC Christian Challenge and a Church up here. Today I sing, play guitar and help to lead worship at both places.
Anyway, if you're wondering what happened with me and Kathy, things didn't really pan out as I had expected. She wasn't really interested and I moved on. Later, she ended up dating my best friend and roommate. We'll call him poopface. Just kidding. I'm actually really happy for them. And don't feel bad for me. As it turns out, I ended up with the princess after all. I met the most beautiful girl in the world at Christian Challenge. We've been together now for a little over a year and a half. I like to call her Shannon.
So... this is officially way too long for a first blog. I'm sure you've lost interest by now. I hope you stay tuned to hear about more of my misadvenures.
Later days,
Brother Bear